Quotation Agreement Template

A quotation agreement template is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of a business agreement between a vendor and a client. This document is essential for businesses that provide products or services and are seeking to ensure a clear understanding of the terms of a quotation. In this article, we will explore the importance of having a quotation agreement template and some key elements that should be included in the document.

The Importance of a Quotation Agreement Template

A quotation agreement template serves as a legally binding contract between a vendor and client. It specifies the terms of the agreement, the scope of work to be done, the payment terms, and other important details. With a quotation agreement template, both parties can ensure that they are on the same page regarding expectations and that they have a clear understanding of what needs to be done, how much it will cost, and when it will be completed.

Elements of a Quotation Agreement Template

1. Introduction: The document should start with an introduction that identifies the parties involved in the agreement. This section should include the vendor’s name and the client’s name, address, and contact information.

2. Scope of Work: The scope of work section defines the work that will be performed by the vendor. This section should be as detailed as possible to avoid any confusion about what is expected of the vendor.

3. Deliverables: This section identifies what the vendor will deliver to the client, such as reports, products, or services. It should also include any deadlines for delivery.

4. Payment Terms: The payment terms section outlines the payment structure and schedule. It should include the total amount to be paid, the percentage to be paid upfront, and when the remaining balance is due.

5. Terms and Conditions: This section outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement. It should include details about warranties, liability, confidentiality, and dispute resolution.


Having a quotation agreement template is essential for businesses seeking to provide goods or services to clients. With this document, both parties can ensure that they have a clear understanding of the expectations, payment terms, and scope of work. It’s important to include all of the elements mentioned above to avoid misunderstandings and legal issues in the future. By using a quotation agreement template, businesses can protect themselves and their clients from potential conflicts and ensure a successful business relationship.

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