Stanford: Claremont Wins Here Too

SGV #1 Claremont were double winners in the big Stanford Invitational. This meet matches NorCal’s best with teams from the entire state and several neighboring states, on a 5000m course on the university’s golf course. After a one year hiatus, the meet returned with a slightly smaller field, and a new course routing with many tight turns that slowed down the races.

Full Results Here

The Claremont boys earned a narrow win over a strong field in the seeded race. Ryan Cowgill 8th/15:26 and Aaron Reyes 11th/15:33 led a Wolfpack team that won by putting all seven below the runner-up’s fifth man. They maintained just a 33 second 1-5 gap even with two of their guys being a little off. (Here’s a Runnerspace Interview with Claremont) Glendora was 21st with a team time of 84:21. Michael Thompson – 94th/16:45 was the leader on a big of an off day for the SGV #9 Tartans.

Claremont‘s girls had a blowout win in the seeded race that was something of preview of the girls Div. II State Meet race. They put six in the first sixteen finishers and their top three in the first six: Sydney Hwang 3rd/17:32, Maddie Coles 4th/17:38 and Azalia Segura-Mora 6th/17:54. (Here’s a Runnerspace Interview with the Claremont girls.) Glendora was 15th in 101:57. Emma Barrosa was best for the Tartans – 67th/20:30.

Bishop Amat elected to run in the divisional races rather than the big seeded event. The boys finished 10th in the Div. 4 race with three of their first five having sub-par days. James Leon was strong up front for the Lancers, finishing 12th/16:31.

The Amat girls won the D4 race on the strength of their tight, one minute 1-5 gap and a 100:25 team time. Key for the Lancers was huge life-time best performance from Gia Carrera. Lauren Nettels (FSHA) was best for the SGV girls with a 12th/19:12, and her team was 9th. Mayfield, running without their #1, was fifth.

In Div. 3 – the South Hills boys were 8th in 86:47 and the girls were 17th. Devin (4th/16:20) and Dillon (5th/16:23) Hightower had strong races for the Huskies, and Arissa Hatcher – 20th/20:09 was best for the girls.



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SGV Track & XC

This site is maintained by Bob Ramsey – a SGV T&F athlete (Arroyo ’80), and former coach at Glendora HS and Meet Director of the SGV Champs. Bob is currently Director of Track & Field and Cross Country at Whittier College